Our first plush toy creature design.

Wallis plush toy creature

Our first plush toy creature design.

Wallis is the first Creachum and the inspiration behind our first plush toy creature design. And it’s our very first Ook toy creature. This Creachum design was our very first creature design, and Wallis was our first character. When we created Wallis, we knew we wanted this Creachum to wear glasses. Our oldest son needed to start wearing glasses at 18 months, and we wanted to make our first plush creature need glasses as well.

The concept started as a one-eyed bear. At first, we weren’t sure if the glasses would work as a toy plushie design. But after a few prototypes, we refined the single eyeglass into its classic thick-rimmed glass. As soon as we saw it on the plushie, we knew it was right.

We didn’t put too much thought into how much he might respond when he first saw the design. But once we saw his reaction, we knew that the plushie having glasses meant more to him than we initially realized. He instantly related to the stuffed toy, and once we gave him the final version, it has never left his side.

A kid’s personality in the form of a plush toy creature.

We also drew inspiration for this Creachums personality from our oldest son. We wanted Wallis’s personality and characteristics to match our son since they also shared the need for glasses. We did this so we wouldn’t forget who he was in life is at this time.

Wallis’s traits are its love for learning and helping. Wallis is super smart. In fact, Wallis is the smartest of all the Creachums. This trait is another that our son also shares. We won’t say he is the smartest, but he loves to learn and catches on pretty quick for his young age. He also loves to help with his little brothers and others.

I created the Creachums because I’ve always liked unique and quirky toy creatures and monsters. I thought it would be fun to give each Creachum a little personality that you or your little ones could relate to or enjoy.

We make every Creachum with super soft fabrics and stuffing. We not only want our creatures to be fun and quirky but also they should be made with the highest quality. Plushies are often called soft toys, and we want ours to be the softest.